
School Year 2025-26 Enrollment (September 2025 start) is now OPEN!

Admissions Process

Sammamish Montessori School (SMS) welcomes all children.  SMS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, national or ethnic origin, or other legally protected status in admission of otherwise qualified students, or in providing access to the rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally available to all students and their families, including educational policies, financial aid, and other school administered programs. Similarly, it does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.


Key Admission Dates

SY2025-26 enrollment starts on November 8, 2024


Schedule a Tour. School tours provide parents with a chance to experience a Montessori classroom at work, meet our Admissions Director & Head of School, and get all of your questions answered.

If you’ve previously toured and would like to enroll for SY25-26, please contact:

Submit an Application. You will be invited to fill our online application through Transparent Classroom our student information system & pay the non-refundable deposit of $1000 that will be adjusted with the 10th month tuition (June 2026). Registration fee ($250) is waived if application is filled within 24 hours of tour.

Join the SMS Family. You’ll be enrolled into ParentSquare, our online communication platform. Use this app to connect with teachers, learn about events, and more.

Enrollment for current families

When you pick Montessori education for your child, you’re signing up for a multi-year learning journey.

To facilitate this continuous learning and ensure familiarity of classroom & teachers for your child, current families will be given priority enrollment with the same classroom & teacher.

Starting this year, the registration fee ($250) is waived for all returning families, if enrolled before start of school year.

Our Year-Long Calendar

The SMS Academic and Summer Calendar Schedule

SMS starts its academic school year in early September and finishes by mid-June (10-month program). Summer programs start from mid-June to end-August (10-week program).   SMS follows the Lake Washington School District Calendar, to the maximum extent possible, as most of our parents have children that go to LWSD schools.  Day care or Enrichment activities (if applicable) is still offered for those who’ve made advance reservations for Non-school days (school breaks, parent-teacher conferences, and teacher training days).

Sammamish Montessori has an annual family retention of over 75%
SMS has a current enrollment of just over 250 students with a student capacity of 300.
Sammamish Montessori has over 5000 graduates in its 45 year history
Admissions FAQ

Visit our FAQ to get answers to all of your admissions questions.